Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Free Post-- What makes me Happy !(:

My Friends are definitely a big part of my life and always will be! Coming to college has opened many doors for me and showed me new people and places and i have had good and bad experiences but i have learned alot and i know i still have so much more to learn and i dont think i could make it without my best friends there to support me and keep me going when times are tough. The people i choose to place my self around is also part of who i am and who i want to become. Just like i love my parents, i also love my friends in a different way, just like i would love my boyfriend in a different way also. But like i said, its human nature for us to love and be loved back and i think that is a huge part in our life and we take advantage of that and every moment we have and not stay angry or upset about little things. One other thing that i love and always puts a smile on my face is going on vacation to the Beach! I think that beaches are so beautiful and i love going there, putting my feet in the sand, and thanking God for how blessed i am! I've been quite a few places, my ultimate favorite beach though i would have to say would be Hawaii. Looking out at the ocean and the scenery around it is Art that God has created.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Human Condition

This is Contemporary Art displayed at the Graves Art Gallery. It represents Human identity and the fears, hopes, dreams and anxieties of the human condition.

Human Struggle

We all go through human struggles in life that is just the way that it is. It is part of our nature and something we have to experience at one point. I really like this piece of artwork because i think it portrays different kinds of human struggles that we may go through. One thing i noticed though is that it is all men in the picture, no woman or children. But it shows someone maybe getting burned by that fire, and then some of the men look like they are in pain and need help and another looks like he is beating up and fighting with one of the men.

Poetry Slam

The National Poetry Slam is the largest performance poetry festival in the world, and in 2005.
Poetry slam is the competitive art of performance poetry. It puts a dual emphasis on writing and performance, encouraging poets to focus on what they're saying and how they're saying it. This is the first time that i had even heard about this, i had no idea what a poetry slam was, and it was quite interesting.

Free Post--What Completes Me!

MY FAMILY. This is my mother and my father. They are the reason that i am here and i am so thankful for them. We have such a great relationship even though my parents got divorced whenever i was a baby. They watched me and helped me grow up and they are the reason of who i am today. Without them, i am not complete. I learned so much from them and i look up to them for everything and know i am blessed. Its human nature to love and this is another example of love because i love them so very much !

This music video is a true work of art

The Carrie Underwood music video Cowboy Casonova is a true work of art to me. In the video,
Carrie sets the scene like its 19th Century Western Era. The wardrobe was very well put together and all the scenery and dancing as well. The Storyline was easy to follow and it was a very good one too. When you watch the video, you can see the art of the video and how it relates back to that century.

Human nature in Art form

Human nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life. This we call a person's nature. In one's life, you want to experience love because it is one of the greatest things we can experience down here on earth and it is our nature to fall in love with another man or woman. Love is the basis of all things to me, you should love God, other people, then yourself. : )

Human Behavior

Human behavior is the collection of behaviors exhibited by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics. This is a picture that represents human behavior because it is a woman just lying back into a pillow like she is sleep deprived or possibly depressed. It looks like the picture is trying to say this is where she spends most of her time is sleeping because of sadness, depression, because of how the cap linked around her head matches the pillow, same pattern. It does not in any way seem like she is a happy person right now.

Graffiti --Art or no?

On the Graffiti Beat--is it Art or Not?

I definitely think that graffiti is art. Just because most of the artists are unknown and it is usually posted in places where it is not supposed to be and there is no money involved, does not mean that its not Art. It is just a different type, and maybe the artist is not looking for all that attention. It is just a way of expressing your own self and getting messages out that you feel people need to know about. This graffiti painting was by an artist who is obviously very talented and loves super mario. It took probably a couple days to complete and it turned out a beautiful piece of artwork.

The South is a culture because.....

The United States is one country, but it is seperated with the North and the South. And i believe the South is its own culture because.. it is much different than the North. The South has unique difference and traditions for a long time. Whenever you say to a Northerner, "we're from the South", they usually get the impression right away from our accent and the occasional word "yall" we all use down here. People are known to be called "rednecks" and live in trailor parks, but that is not how everyone is in the South. But we get put into stereotypes just like everything else in society.

Artist in Society

One Artist in Society that I am pretty positive almost everyone has heard of is Justin Timberlake. He is my all time favorite singer and i have loved him ever since he was in the boy band "Nsync." I think not only is he talented with an amazing voice, but he also has very great dancing skills. He is a musician that worked very hard to get to where he is at today and it has definitely paid off for him. I think that Artists in Society need to watch their actions and choose wisely the decisions they make because they have many role models that look up to them and follow what they do.

Why i believe this film is a work of art

The film Snow White is an old classic movie. I believe that it is, in fact, a work of art because it was the very first animated cartoon movie in color to ever come out. It was a great movie and its still a favorite for kids growing up today. After this movie was produced, many other great movies came along but Snow White was the beginning. The people that designed the characters and all the little details in the movie are incredible artists.


I was not able to load a picture up of my diorama on here but i did it of the beaches and how people can go and trash beautiful beaches like Hawaii. That is one of the most prettiest places on the earth and it really bothers me how people can go and leave their trash and cigarettes all over the ground, we need to keep it beautiful. That is how it is supposed to be. I really enjoyed looking at all the other students dioramas as well, there were many great ones and issues that i agreed with.

I know what art is.

I know what Art is.
Art is product of human creativity. It is form and content. Whatever someone decides to paint or create is a form of art in some way. We usually dont realize it, but there is all types of art around us everyday. Some people think to create art, you have to be an artist and be talented, but that is not true. You can make something simple as a flower and that is art. Music, Theatre, Architecture, is all different forms of art. There is not just one type of artist, there is very many.

Art Education in Schools

I think it is important to keep Art Education in schools. When you sit in a classroom all day just listening to lecture and taking notes, you always need a break from your left side of the brain and get a little creative and artsy with your right side. I think that it is important to use both sides of your brain and keeping art in school, kids are able to express their feelings and what they love into however they want to express it and sometime talents are discovered by them they never even knew they had.

Piece of Architecture

The Empire State Building is a piece of architecture im sure everyone loves and knows of. It is the worlds largest Skyscraper and is very beautiful. When i went to New York, i got the privelage to go and see the Empire State Building and learn a little bit about it. It is just as beautiful on the inside that it is on the outside, the people that designed and built this piece of architecture did a magnificent job.

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

Right Brain And Left Brain

This theory of the structure and functions of the mind suggests that the two different sides of the brain control two different “modes” of thinking. It also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other.
Experimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. The following table illustrates the differences between left-brain and right-brain thinking:

The Left Brain : Logical Sequential, Rational, Analytical and Objective.

The Right Brain : Random, Creative, Intuitive, Holistic, Synthesizing and Subjective.

My favorite Artist

Van Gogh is my favorite artist right now. I love the work that he does. The painting of the Sunflowers is the first painting i ever saw by Van Gogh because it hung in my mothers room ever since i was very little.

My Photographic Eye !

The theme to this is Scenery. I went to Hawaii for my senior trip and these are a few of the things that i saw that i thought were very eye catching.
The waterfall on the left was what we saw on the road to Hana, and before we left California we visited Santa Monica Pier which is the picture on the left. The sunset in the center was just a beautiful night in Maui from the beach.

On the left is the sunrise on top of a volcano in Maui, Hawaii. The pink flower is just a tropical Hawaiian flower i found beautiful.


Dancing is Art. This is a music video of Michael Jackson moonwalking on the left. I really love his dance moves and they are a form of art just like these two other dancers in the other picture, who are striking a pose. Any move you do in a song or how you dance is a form of art.

Art on You tube

The Crevasse - Making of 3D Street Art

This video shows how people came together on the street and made beautiful art 3D

I'm having a Catharsis

The other day i was listening to the song "When i get where im going" by Brad Paisley, many emotions came to me throughout the song. The song always reminds me of my best friend and ex-boyfriend Brett Ayers who had gotten in a car accident and died. It was the first death i had ever experienced with someone i was really close too so it was really hard for me to deal with. They played this song over and over again at his funeral and ever since then, whenever i hear this song on the radio it makes me think of him and miss what we had together, and of course the many emotions come back.

Fashion as Art

Op art is A twentieth century art movement and style in which artists sought to create an impression of movement on the picture surface by means of optical illusion. It is derived from, and is also known as Optical Art and Perceptual Abstraction. One of the biggest fashion companys today, Coach, their new handbags are an example Op Art and most people would never even know that things that you wear or carry are considered to be pieces of Art.